Monthly Archives: March 2013

March Shenanigans

Yesterday we had our fourth event. After the rehearsed readings an audience member exclaimed “this is a serious one”. How did we come to this….last month we were comedy, comedy, comedy? With such an array of writers in the West Midlands we get an extraordinary mix of voices and this month we asked for moments of crux. There’s the answer with crux comes drama.


Playwrights pushed boundaries; we saw pieces about breast cancer, child abuse and anorexia. The actors’ challenge was to play this out truthfully on stage; how do we make it believable? A challenge willfully accepted by our lovely March team.


We had director Larry Rew back with us to explore a piece penned by Tim Wright, actors Denny Hodge, Laura Markham, Daniel Holden, Richard Constable joining us for the first time and actress Elinor Middleton returning with a piece from our very first event in November 2012.  Gold stars to Lucy Formby recent graduate from the Actors’ Temple, London who joined us despite being really quite ill, she’s a trooper.


In the Spotlight was Fraser Grace playwright and course convener of MRes Playwrighting at Birmingham University. It was great to hear from the man whose job it is to guide budding playwrights, we always get scripts sent in by his students including Rachel Dealtry. However, this month we had to do without their writing as they prepare for 10×10 7.30pm this Wednesday at The Old Joint Stock. (Hear the interview with Fraser on your free Podcast). Alumni from the course include Jane Campion Hoye whose first full length play Cover Up (first read at our November event) is being performed at The Edge, Digbeth this Friday (22nd March). Just a couple of things to keep your week busy. If you can see this do, with some of the original Theatre Exchange cast, we’ve seen what they can do in 2 hours….with longer you’re in for a treat, great writing!

 And last but not least Gary Condes (acting coach from The Actors Temple) has agreed to run a week long course which will introduce participants to the Meisner technique right here in Birmingham. Gary’s originally from Stourbridge and got his acting bug from the Birmingham Rep before moving to London. For more details email us (

Our funding application is ongoing but our donation pot was healthy, thanks to all who searched their pockets. Big thanks to Amanda at Poetic Roar for recording the whole event…watch this space for more podcasts.


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Theatre Exchange’s Feb event in a lovely free podcast courtesy of Jon Randle at Mindriot Productions…

Who are we?

Here we are in action…….

Video by @Jondle Mindriot Productions.